
Brian Leathem

2 minute read

A security vulnerability has been uncovered and resolved in RichFaces 4. Details of the vulnerability can be found in this Red Hat Errata document released for our WFK product. We have released a community micro release addressing this vulnerability, so please update your applications ASAP. Read below for a summary of the problem and some additional minor fixes included in this release. To update to this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.

Brian Leathem

4 minute read

RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha3 has been released. With this third alpha release of RichFaces 5 we are providing compatibility with JSF 2.2. Go download WildFly and give the JSF 2.2 capabilities of this release a spin. To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 5.0.0.Alpha3. For more information on setting up a RichFaces application, refer to our getting started guide.

Brian Leathem

4 minute read

We are happy to release an update to our stable branch with the release of RichFaces 4.3.5.Final. This 5th micro release of the RichFaces 4.3 release series provides a number of bug fixes while we concurrently work on RichFaces 5. To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 4.3.5.Final. For more information on setting up a RichFaces 4 application, refer to our getting started guide.

Brian Leathem

6 minute read

RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha2 is now available for download. This second alpha release of our RichFaces 5 effort is significant as it brings in our new component architecture, new components, a further refinement in our approach to testing, and the beginnings of a new look and feel. We’ll dive further into each of these topics below. To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.

Brian Leathem

4 minute read

I am excited to announce the release of RichFaces 4.3.4.Final. This 4th minor release of the RichFaces 4.3 release series is conservative in scope focusing on providing bug fixes to our stable release branch while we concurrently work on RichFaces 5. To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 4.3.4.Final. For more information on setting up a RichFaces 4 application, refer to our getting started guide.

Brian Leathem

2 minute read

We have fixed a security vulnerability in RichFaces 3, 4 and 5. Details of the vulnerability can be found in this Red Hat Errata document released for our WFK product. We have released community micro releases addressing this vulnerability, so please update your applications ASAP. Read below for a summary of the problem and an explanation of how to use the fix in your applications. Download RichFaces 3.

Brian Leathem

4 minute read

I am excited to announce the release of RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha1. While RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha1 is an incredibly significant release (with almost all aspects of the framework seeing some changes) the release is in fact functionally equivalent to RichFaces 4.3.2.Final. So go ahead an try it out, and give us your feedback! To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.

Brian Leathem

4 minute read

With RichFaces 5 we have made a significant change to our documentation tool-chain with the introduction of AsciiDoc to simplify the task of authoring and editing the RichFaces documentation. Our documentation has for a long time been based on Docbook xml against which we have applied the Red Hat PressGang XSLT to create the HTML and PDF output of our docs. Additionally the Docbook xml is fed downstream into Red Hat’s Web Framework Kit product (WFK), where it undergoes further transformations to fit well into Red Hat’s product documentation.

Brian Leathem

3 minute read

I am excited to announce the release of RichFaces 4.3.2.Final. - This 2nd minor release of the RichFaces 4.3 release series provides a number of bug fixes further increasing the stability of the framework. To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 4.3.2.Final. For more information on setting up a RichFaces 4 application, refer to our getting started guide.

Brian Leathem

1 minute read

RichFaces We’ve taken a break from our RichFaces 5 development to deliver a micro release of RichFaces 4.3. Today we are announcing that the first candidate release of this micro release is now available: RichFaces 4.3.2.CR1. div(alert alert-info). To try out this release: You can download the distribution directly, or for maven users, increment the RichFaces version in your pom.xml to 4.3.2.CR1. For more information on setting up a RichFaces 4 application, refer to ourgetting started guide.