Leverage the jQuery plugin ecosystem

to create highly-interactive JSF Components

  • Brian Leathem
  • Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat
  • 2012-06-25
  • This lightning talk is about creating JSF Components with a focus on code re-usability and maximizing portability

JSF is...


  • JSF offers us a standardized component model for building web applications
  • In the context of this talk, this component model provides us with a blueprint for building portable components we can "plug" into any JSF application

Building JSF Components

Traditionally Tricky business

  • This is great, but JSF components are notoriously verbose to create

Split code-base

  • Server-side code
    • Components
    • Renderers
    • xml junk!

  • Client-side code
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • javascript
  • For starters, we're dealing with a split code base.
  • We not only have to create the server side code: Components, Renderers, and xml config
  • We also have to create the client side pieces: the html, javascript, and CSS responsible for the component's behaviour and user-interactions

Lots of browsers

+ mobile!

  • All this client-code then has to be tested in a in a multitude of browsers
  • and don't forget to test on mobile devices too

The solution

  • Re-use existing javascript "widgets"
  • There is a huge potential for code re-use

  • Google search comparison:
    • JSF Component:
      •   ~ 3 Million hits
    • Javascript Component:
      • ~ 416 Million hits
  • But I'm not here to complain, I'm here to share a solution
  • You should be, and can easily be building JSF components using existing javascript "widgets"
  • By widgets, I mean self-contained free standing javscript code that encapsulates a user interaction
  • The important piece here is that these are self-contained components, framework independent, and not requiring any back-end nor framework code to operate

Image Gallery

  • For example, look at this jQuery UI imagegallery widget
  • It's a trivial widget, with a rich usr interface.
  • To use it, you point the jQuery plugin at some correctly formatted html markup, and you end up with a fully functional, single-purpose image gallery
  • click on an thumbnail to get a zoomed-in popup of the photo, with controls to navigate through the provided collection of photos

jQuery UI

  • jQuery plugins can also be fairly non-trivial
  • here we have the jQuery UI widget set, providing more complex functionality with tabs, datepickers, modal alerts, etc.


  • Another widget set generating a lot of excitement right now is the twitter Bootstrap project.
  • Bootstrap takes a stronger focus on HTML and CSS for widget behaviour, but does incorporate some javascript as well

Image Gallery - Component

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en-US"
    <cc:attribute name="photos" />
    <!-- plugin configuration -->
    <cc:attribute name="selector" />
    [ ... snip ... ]
    <cc:attribute name="dialogClass" />
    <div id="#{cc.clientId}:div">
        <ui:repeat value="#{cc.attrs.photos}" var="photo">
            <a rel="gallery" href="#{photo.full}" title="#{photo.title}">
                <img src="#{photo.thumb}" alt="#{photo.title}" />
    <h:outputScript library="javax.faces" name="jsf.js"/>
    <h:outputScript library="composite/com.jquery" name="jquery-1.7.2.min.js"/>
    <h:outputScript library="composite/com.jqueryui/js" name="jquery-ui-1.8.19.custom.min.js"/>
    <h:outputScript library="composite/com.github.blueimp/js" name="load-image.js"/>
    <h:outputScript library="composite/com.github.blueimp/js" name="jquery.image-gallery.js"/>
    <h:outputStylesheet library="composite/com.jqueryui/css/ui-lightness" name="jquery-ui.custom.css"/>
    <h:outputStylesheet library="composite/com.github.blueimp/css" name="jquery.image-gallery.css"/>
        var pluginOptions = {};
        ! '#{cc.attrs.selector}' || (pluginOptions.selector = '#{cc.attrs.selector}');
        [ ... snip ... ]
        ! '#{cc.attrs.dialogClass}' || (pluginOptions.dialogClass = '#{cc.attrs.dialogClass}');
        jQuery(function() {
  • Let's take a look at the code required to make a JSF 2 component out of these javascript widgets
    1. Here we have a JSF 2 composite component, and starts like any other JSF facelet file
      • The composite component has 2 sections, and interface and an implementation
      • In the interface we specify the attributes of the facelet tag
      • The attributes consist of the list of photos we want to include in our gallery
      • and all the options available to configure the jQuery plugin (which I've cut out for brevity)
    2. Next we have the html to generate: we loop of the photos list, and output an anchor tag for each photo
    3. We then map the component attributes into a javascript object
    4. which we then pass as an parameter when we invoke the jQuery plugin

Using the imagegallery component

  <my:datepicker buttonImageOnly="true" dateFormat="yy-mm-dd" showOn="both"/>
  • While the component gives a rich looking interface (I'd demo it if I had more time) it is in fact a simple "output-only" component

jQuery UI Datepicker component

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en-US"
      <cc:attribute name="value" />
      <cc:attribute name="showOn" />
      <cc:attribute name="dateFormat" />
      <cc:attribute name="buttonImageOnly" />
      <h:inputText id="input" value="#{cc.attrs.value}" />
      <h:outputScript library="javax.faces" name="jsf.js"/>
      <h:outputScript library="composite/com.jquery" name="jquery-1.7.2.min.js"/>
      <h:outputScript library="composite/com.jqueryui/development-bundle/ui" name="jquery.ui.core.js"/>
      <h:outputScript library="composite/com.jqueryui/development-bundle/ui" name="jquery.ui.widget.js"/>
      <h:outputScript library="composite/com.jqueryui/development-bundle/ui" name="jquery.ui.datepicker.js"/>
      <h:outputStylesheet library="composite/com.jqueryui/css/ui-lightness" name="jquery-ui.custom.css"/>
          var pluginOptions = {
              buttonImage: "#{request.contextPath}/javax.faces.resource/calendar.gif.jsf?ln=composite/org.richfaces",
              buttonImageOnly: "#{"true" eq cc.attrs.buttonImageOnly}"
          ! '#{cc.attrs.showOn}' || (pluginOptions.showOn = '#{cc.attrs.showOn}');
          ! '#{cc.attrs.dateFormat}' || (pluginOptions.dateFormat = '#{cc.attrs.dateFormat}');
          jQuery(function() {
  • let's look at the implementation of a component that accept user input - the datepicker
  • This composite component follows nearly the same pattern as previous except for one difference:
  • We are delegate to the JSF input component to return the widget data back to the JSF servlet
  • The point I want to make is that so long as you can find a JSF component to delegate to you can write a JSF component leveraging any

RichFaces CDK

Use the RichFaces CDK to build "full-fledged" JSF components with the ease and syntax of JSF 2 composite components

  • The RichFaces CDK templating language is modeled after JSF 2 composite components
  • However when you use the RichFaces CDK, the template is rendererd into Java code at runtime
  • You end up with "full-fledged" jsf components, free of any limitations of the composite component way of building components
  • Feel free to speak to me if you want to hear more about the CDK, or attend my talk in 2 weeks at JAX

This is bigger than JSF

  • Polyglot JVM
  • Web frameworks in many languages/environments
  • Consistent L&F throughout a heterogeneous application
  • A Final motivation for building components on top of standalone javascript widgets - even when creating brand-new widgets
  • In this world of ployglot on the JVM, and hetergenous server environments, it's not uncommon to have a single application spread accross multiple frameworks
  • By using a consistent set of HTML markup, CSS, and javascript to enrich your application
  • you can achieve a consistent L&F for your users irrespective of the back-end technology

Call to action!

All JBoss projects with UI building capabilities should coordinate and identify a common strategy for building client "widgets"

Let's empower our users to build heterogeneous JBoss applications with a consistent L&F!

  • So I'd like to extend an invitation to all framework providers at JBoss to come together and standardize on a set of javascript widgets
  • in this way we can empower our users to build heterogeneous JBoss applications with a consistent L&F!
