Brian Leathem

1 minute read

For those of you still developing against RichFaces 3 (you should strongly consider “migrating to RichFaces 4”:!) we have deployed the “RichFaces 3 showcase”: (also referred to as the RichFaces 3 “demo”) to “OpenShift”:, Red Hat’s PaaS offering. This is the same cloud environment we use to host the “RichFaces 4 showcase”:

div=. “!/images/blog/2012-06-06-richfaces3-showcase/rf3-showcase_400x.png!”:

This deployment of the RichFaces 3 showcase not only ensures that this useful and valuable resource will continue to be available to you, the developer community, but also serves to demonstrate how you can take advantage of OpenShift and the latest JBoss AS 7 releases to host your Richfaces 34 applications! Leverage the scalability of cloud computing today!