It’s been a while since my last post, as I’ve gone through a significant career change. I am now working for Red Hat, as a core developer on the RichFaces project. I am also representing Red hat on the JSR-344: JSF 2.2 Expert Group, and will continue in my role as Seam Faces module lead.
As such, I’ll be presenting at JAXConf/JSF Summit on the topic of Seam Faces. I really like this presentation, as I not only go into the features provided by Seam Faces, but I show how some of those features are implemented taking advantage of the platform extension points built into CDI and JSF. I’ll also introduce how we are using Arquillian, Shrinkwrap, and JSFUnit to test Seam Faces, and how you can use the same toolset to test your own applications with independent and isolated in-container tests.
So if you are at JAXConf/JSF Summit, be sure to come see my talk, or grab me at any time to share your thoughts on where you would like to see Seam Faces going in the future - I’ll be more than happy to discuss solutions, and point you to the git repository!
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